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If you’ve ever wished that there was a place that you could go... to explore and actualize your dormant capacities and potentials... in companionship with a genuinely supportive community… Welcome, you have found it! 


This space is intended to meet you where you are on your journey into becoming, and be your sanctuary of learning, practicing, and mastering it.  


There are no gimmicks here - just an authentic dojo atmosphere, with authentic intent. No trendy culture that you have to buy into, fit into, and ultimately lose the purpose into. 




When we move into life with intent, life becomes an art. 


Our mission, here, is simple - to make the most of the art of life. 

In any art form, learning and practicing the theory and techniques will quickly expand your capacity to perform that art.


The art of life is no different...






Below is a library of some existential theory and techniques that we explore through many different formats, to exponentially expand our capacity to live life fully.


Peak Experiences
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Nobody needs help experiencing the extreme lows, but genuine highs take practice, discipline, and maintenance. 

'Peak Experience' is a term that is becoming more and more known and understood in our society today.  In simple terms, it is the highest state of experience that you can have. That peak is different for everyone, and it is an ever increasing level of experience, if practiced. It can have many profound roles and rewards in your life as a whole.


To name a few:


Balance - We have many stimuli grounding us throughout our days, but very little peaking us. We can easily lose sight of our creative and expansive nature within the constant bombardment of responsibilities and expectations. 


Perspective - Sometimes we 'can't see the forest for the trees' and we need to step back and above it all, to gain clarity. 


Healing - When we put our body and mind into an optimized state, our body's regenerative nature is optimized. 



Polarity Experiences
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Polarity is a universal quality of existence that, when understood and experimented with, can have profound effects on how you experience life.


To name a few:


Range of motion - We are comfortable and capable within the exposure that we have had. If we are not often exposed to cold, we are uncomfortable and incapable in it. If we are not often exposed to discomfort, we are, of course uncomfortable and incapable in it. And yes, we can be comfortable in discomfort. Exposing ourselves to the extremes of polarities expands our comfort/capability zone. If we want to go out and experience life, we are going to be exposed to the extremes whether we want it or not. The goal here is to increase your range of motion within polarities that may be in your way of going out and experiencing the life you desire.

Balance - When we must have one extreme in our life, it is healthy to balance it with the polar extreme. (e.g. having new in your life aids your appreciation of the old or repetitive.

Perspective - Exploring polarities is a great way to broaden your perspective, and therefore your understanding of different viewpoints from different positions in society, etc. 

Tolerance - balancing one extreme with its opposite will typically increase your tolerance of the extreme that may be an unwanted, but present part of your life.



Perspective Experiences
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The mother of all personal growth, or expansion, or becoming. Our biggest obstacles in life are literally a perspective-shift away from resolution; and our greatest innovations and creations are the same. This is perhaps the most developmental technique that we, as humans, can practice, and so easily master. This is the technique that will transcend mankind out of our lower biological nature and into our higher energetic nature. We have many fun ways to use this technique to create many different types of experiences.



Social Nucleus
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Most of us live without a solid social support structure. Acceptance, companionship, belonging and support at the deepest levels of our being, is a very challenging dynamic to create with others. This is an art that provides a solid foundation to grow on. Our biggest challenge as humans is to bring our inner reality out into the collective reality - Actualizing our purest inner self. It requires experimenting and iterating. Changing our appearance, attitude, or beliefs; performing an art; being or doing anything new - It's all very difficult to do without getting lots of judgement, interrogation, ridicule, and resistance of every nature. For most, the resistance is too difficult to overcome, alone.  A social nucleus acts as a space between your protected inner self, and the unforgiving outer world. A space to explore, discover, develop and actualize with constructive feedback and support.



Guided Meditations
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Whatever it is you want to achieve, or resolve, or experience; meditation is usually the best starting point. There are very few exceptions. Like most things here, we do not adhere to any specific method; rather, we explore this practice dynamically and circumstantially. 

Subject Lectures/Discussions
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Open discussions on the substance and mechanics of our reality is the continual streaming bandwidth in the dojo, but keep an eye on the facebook events page for formal events, or contact us about hosting or contracting. 

Existential Mobility Development
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We believe that one of the most fulfilling ways to perceive life as a whole, is through the lens of movement - or your ability to move through existence.


...or your 'existential mobility'.


 Are you awkward, or acrobatic, or somewhere in between. Most of us are somewhere in between, with perhaps some specific areas, in which, we are acrobatic, and others in which we are awkward.


Understanding the theory (or mechanics) of any art, allows you to move freely and creatively throughout it. 

So, understanding the theory (or mechanics) of existence, should enable you to move more freely and creatively throughout existence. 

Through this concept, we explore existential theory that enables us to become more universally acrobatic physically, socially, intellectually, emotionally, etc.


...or to become 'Existential Acrobats'. 



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Healing Protocols
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Healing is a complex subject these days, and it becomes more and more complex as we, as a society, continue to take a symptom-solving approach to healing, rather than a root-problem-solving approach. It is our belief that every individual is their own best healer, if they take it on as a lifelong practice. We explore perspectives, frameworks and techniques that empower this responsibility.



Complete Mobility Development
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It can be said that you are using a very small portion not only of your potential capacity, but of your current capacity. Although breathing is a fundamental component of our being, when exercised, it will quickly open your eyes to the capacities within you that you're allowing to lie dormant.

Community Building
Team Building
 Collective Experiencing
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These would be three different levels of experiencing shared intent, shared action, and shared qualities-of-being. This, in it's truest and purest form, is the most complicated, but most transcendent type of experience that we make effort to innovate on.  

All physical arts are built on technical physical movements. All technical physical movements are built on mobility. Mobility is simply, the body's 'capable range of motion'.

It is most common to approach a physical art by developing the technical movements, prior to developing the mobility for the movements. And for most, if you can't do the technical movements required by the art, then you just submit to thinking you cannot do the art. (e.g. "I can't move like that, so I can't dance.")


We believe that a better approach is to develop from the ground up, not necessarily instead of, the top down, but at least in addition to. Yoga has long been a technique for this approach, yet it does leave out some ranges that are demanded by many arts.


We envision a mobility framework that allows anyone to develop a complete spectrum of mobility, from which, they have the capacity to perform most technical movements for any physical art. 


The reason behind this is, many of us would like to participate more in the physical arts. We'd like to be capable in sports, dancing, combat, etc.. But there is little time to develop one of those arts, let alone, a few.

This would act as a framework to understand and develop your body's mechanics more completely, and from that you can interpret and perform technical movements of any physical art you wish to participate in.

Relationship Development
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Relationship is a very key concept in the process of actualizing human potential. The relationship, or dynamic, that you have with yourself, the people in your life, the places and things in the environment around you; that relationship is what determines the quality of your experience. A common strategy of ours is to prescribe exercises to practice with your best relationships and your worst relationships, in order to develop strong relationship skills across the board. 


Contact Us

If any of this calls to you, please call to us. 

Dojo for the Existential Arts


100 West Main St. Stoystown, Pa 15563

Tel: 814.442.8801


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